
Feel the power of innovation

Erlebe voll dynamisches EMS-Training zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort. Nur durch die zahlreichen Innovationen des EasyMotionSkin-Systems kann heute freies und ungezwungenes EMS-Training durchgeführt werden.123

Termin vereinbaren

Entering the world of EMS training has never been so attractive!

Secure your system now for ­59.00 €/month in the financing model

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Free and dynamic training

With EasyMotionSkin you can carry out EMS training anytime, anywhere. The EMS system amplifies any training stimulus with finely adjustable impulses and enables an efficient workout. Everyone can take advantage of proper EMS training at home by using EasyMotionSkin. The System can also be used on holiday, when travelling, or in a studio of your choice whilst training like the professionals.

Train whenever and wherever you want

Get your own personal EasyMotionSkin and turn yourself from a competitive athlete into a top athlete or from a couch potato into a fitness fan. You continue to decide which training is good for you - strength, endurance, speed, dynamic, etc. The principle of the training remains the same, but it becomes more efficient and more intensive!

Acquire your own EasyMotionSkin HomeEdition and enjoy EMS training at home or anywhere in the world, just as you wish.

Overview of the benefits

Gewichts- und Fettreduktion
Zugewinn von Schnellkraft, Sprintzeit, Sprungkraft
Verbesserte Haltung durch Stärkung des Muskelkorsetts
Optimierter Stoffwechsel
Steigerung der Ausdauer
Kosmetische Effekte durch Körperstraffung
Muskelverspannungen werden gelöst
Gesteigertes Wohlbefinden und Motivation
Stärkung der Knochen durch Erhöhung der Knochendichte
Bessere Belastungsresistenz und Regeneration
Anti-Aging Effekt durch Anregung der Hormonproduktion

EasyMotionSkin HomeEdition 

World’s Smallest Gym


The ultralight MotionSkin now makes a new, free way of EMS training possible. It combines advanced technology and modern materials in a minimalistic product design we are proud of.


The PowerBox forms the heart of the system, and the powerhouse of the EasyMotionSkin. Connected to the iOS & Android via Bluetooth, it controls the strength of the pulse, the processes for the programmes and the control measurements, and facilitates wireless operation.


The intuitive user interface on the iOS & Android App makes controlling your EMS training with the EasyMotionSkin easy. From the moment you login to when you end your training, the App focuses on the essentials and is easy to adjust. As you are using it, the App offers you explanations and tips to help you in your training.